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Locked Up - Oil Levels

Posted by Raymond Voegele on

This is not a time to worry about other people's oil levels.

Some people's engines are going to lock up, but we are not to risk our engines locking up to make sure someone's engine does not lock up.
That is not selfish.
This is grace.
Though, some will go down with their locked up engine, some will need our engine to be running, until they receive a new engine.

I see some have attempted to repair their own engine...with no knowledge of how they even work.
Some don't even have the right tools in their hands for the job....and some of those people are now also attempting to fix other people's engines.

...just because someone has a sign out front, that says they repair locked up engines, listen...
How many people "on their street" are out mowing?
Look....what length is their grass?
Who is mowing their grass?

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